Accelerated Debt Elimination Course

Everything You Need To Know About Getting Out of Debt and Staying Out of Debt

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You feel like a hamster running on a wheel….and you never get to stop!

You see your family is suffering from your money stress.

You’re not saving enough or taking care of yourself….& spending every penny you earn.

How did you get here? You’re successful, have a great career where the sky's the limit!


Your friends seem more financially secure. Why can’t you enjoy life like they do?

Why do YOU have to worry about money but they don’t? How do they do it?

You wonder

  • "How can I create a secure future for my family?"
  • "How can I be free from all of my money stress & enjoy life more?"
  • "Is this even possible?"

Lots of questions, but no answers.

The future should be bright but you still struggle financially.

If you don’t make a change you know things will get worse. You’ll have to work harder (is that even possible?) to get the financial freedom you deserve.

Are Your Finances Ready For The Next Big Bubble Burst?

An economic downturn or personal tragedy can devastate your family's finances and put you into the red. That's why it's imperative to understand where you are now so that you can develop your money plan! A plan that will provide for you through economic & even personal downturns. Plus, give you the wiggle room you need so that you and you family can enjoy life without constantly worrying about money.

  1. You need a system that helps you become mindful of your money and gives you the tools to develop your very own path to financial independence.

  2. You need to understand wealth in order to build and enjoy it. You need a money process.

  3. You need the building blocks for creating YOUR wealth.

In this course you'll learn…

  • The real reason you’re still struggling with debt, and how you're not alone (Module 1)

  • The money myths and mindsets that keep you drowning in debt and blocking your success with money… (hint: it’s not your fault) (Module 2)

  • The difference between good and bad debt and how to get real about your own debt (Module 3)

  • Uncommon strategies to eliminate debt fast: action plan for debt elimination where you'll track and celebrate success along the way (Module 4)

How the ADE Course works:

Accelerated Debt Elimination is structured in logic sequence - each module builds upon the previous lessons.

The entire course is fully open for you to consume on your schedule. You have access to every module 24/7/365.

Lessons include:

  • Videos
  • PDF worksheets for each debt elimination strategy
  • Text transcripts with clear explanations of each topic

We'll send you an email to let you know when to login and get started. This schedule allows you time to reflect, organize, and work through each section at a manageable pace, on your schedule, without losing momentum.

And of course, we’re available to answer questions along the way.

At the end of the course, you will have a clear roadmap to free yourself from debt, and prepare yourself for a life of wealthy & financial freedom.

“I remember asking my co-workers for $150 to pay a water bill, a tank of gas, and a few groceries so I could feed my kids.”

I’ll never forget the look on their faces.

It was a mixture of pity and fear...that there was no way their friend and colleague could come out of this debt nightmare.

“Those poor kids,” I overheard one of them say.

It was totally humiliating. And absolutely terrifying.

I tried to play it cool...without breaking down in front of all of them, but the truth is I knew I would have to ask for their help again.

The other truth was... I didn’t actually know HOW I was going to get myself out of this insane mess.

See, I know what it feels like to be $150,000 in debt, with a tax lien from the IRS, newly divorced, raising two small children and so desperate I had to succumb to asking my co-workers to loan me money so I could pay my bills.

All while being a well-known real estate agent and investor in a booming city who had a reputation to uphold.

Divorce was expensive.

Living a million dollar lifestyle (without the earnings) was expensive.

Not paying my taxes immediately–that was REALLY expensive.

Bottom line: I’ve been in really serious financial trouble - and deeply in debt.

The humiliation and deep physical, emotional, and mental stress of being $150,000 in debt, coupled with the fact I had two very young children counting on me to provide an exceptional life (or bare bones at minimum), created the urgency and the fire I needed to propel me out of that situation.

Not just out of debt, but well beyond that. I found my way out and I’ve never looked back.

And so can you...


"Krisstina's course took away my deep fear, shame and paralysis about money and provided me with a real system for debt reduction and wealth creation. The result has been a healthier relationship with not only others, but with myself. Thank you Krisstina!"

- Fee

"I feel so much more capable of taking inspired action to be in control of my money, rather than letting it control me. mindful Money has helped me integrate my health, wealth and overall happiness via the power of my finances!"

- Kim


Your Expert

Krisstina Wise
Krisstina Wise

Krisstina Wise is a real estate mogul, lifestyle entrepreneur and creator of several multi-million dollar businesses including Goodlife Luxury, Goodlife Mortgage, and The Paperless Agent. She is also an international speaker and the author of the Amazon Best-Seller Falling for Money, a romance novel for your bank account. Named one of the 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders in the country, she has been featured in USA TODAY, as well as by Evernote and Apple for her creative leadership and technological innovations.

After nearly losing her life in 2013 and spending almost half a million dollars to get it back, she is ready to change the world again by inspiring others on how to build extraordinary wealth and find incredible health – the GoodLife – through cutting-edge, research-based education, access to the world’s top wealth strategists and doctors, private getaways for Power Couples and life-changing WealthyWellthy™ products.